You don’t have to be great in an activity before you consider taking it up as a hobby. It all depends on whether you have interest in it.
Most of the hobbies I have listed here have a broad range of cost and time.
Are you old and bored and wondering what to do?
Here are some ideas to look forward to your to – do – list.
34 Possible Hobbies for Bored and Retired Seniors
#1. Learn a musical instrument – when you listen to music what’s that instrument that catches your attention, if you have figured that out then go learn it. With time you will find other seniors who love the same instrument to jam together.
#2. Join a band – joining a band is another way of creating a new family out of your current. You get to meet people you can share your problems with, assist and support each other and have fun doing what you all love together.
#3. Model building – a great technical hobby. The right kits keeps you busy for hours. There are model building clubs to share ideas and showcase your work.
#4. Survival games – Survival games are a blast, this games require just a tactical mind and not reflexes. Enjoyable survival games to play are Day Z, rust, H1Z1 and mount and blade. Be cautious with how you play these games for they are very addictive.
#5. Tutoring/Volunteering – you don’t need to an academic to do this; it is a social activity and lots of people need tutoring like immigrants and school dropouts and also those who need help with their homework. You can equally offer your services for free at thrift shop; you can help sort, tag and even seal merchandise, local homeless shelter helping others at a senior center.
#6. Create a blog – for seniors who are still mentally fit you can create a blog like this one to help other seniors. You can write about anything. Free tools to use and create a blog are Wordpress and Blogger.
#7. Growing pots – this is not only a labor intensive activity to do, but it is also an excellent way to be busy for as long an excellent way to be busy for as long as you want. Plus you can equally make some great stocking stuffier during Christmas period.
#8. Golfing – all depends on your mobility as you get to go outside and walk.
#9. Travelling – adventure are the real deal, go see places, cultures, and people and try new food. Have a blast.
#10. Gardening – I see gardening as a senior’s first choice. I have a lot of seniors in my community and majorities have gardens. You will find pleasure growing your own food. You can equally join a garden club and learn the experiences of others.
#11. Knitting – very portable and social activity, gives you something to show for your time.
#12. Play card games and table games – games like backgammon, bridge, chess and poker are good for mental stimulation and competition. Studies show that such mentally engaging games slow down Alzheimer’s symptoms.
#13. Build rockets – most seniors experienced the birth of the space age and you just might be into rockets. You can build powerful toy rockets and launch them in areas you are allowed to by authorities. There are lots of tutorials online you can learn.
#14. Watch funny videos – a great way to pass your time and very enjoyable. There are tons of funny videos on YouTube.
#15. Archery – physically demanding and good for all ages. You can try the 4 main kinds of bows – the re-curve, compound, long bow and traditional bow.
#16. Amateur Astronomy – astronomy is a useful way to pass some time and it is better done if you live in the outskirts of a city or town. Astronomy tools are expensive but they are worth the time. You can join an astronomy club to learn some more.
#17. Modern Yo-yos – modern yo-yos are a great conversation starter, very fun and relaxing hobby.
#18. Fishing – this hobby requires some minimum investment. All you would need to catch a fish is a rod and reel with a small box of tackle which will cost you close to 30$. In some areas you will require some form of permission to fish so check if such rules apply to your area first.
#19. Bike riding – this hobby keeps you active and also you have a bike to keep clean often and in good working condition.
#20. Wild life rehabilitation – if you are an animal lover, there are certified courses you can take even online to learn and get involved in this fun hobby.
#21. Join a senior sports league – if you are moderately fit then you should consider joining a senior’s sport league.
#22. Photography – a hobby you can do alone or with a group, an outdoor activity that satisfies the creative part of you and moreover it keeps you moving.
#23. Wood working – you can do word works for your home and on demand. it is a time intensive hobby and requires patience. It can be complex or simple depending on your ability, but your output at the end will be useful.
#24. 3D Printing – requires some investment, you can also build your own printing kits. This hobby can keep you busy for long as a month.
#25. Oil and water color painting – a very enjoyable hobby that requires no real talent and it is also not too expensive. You can check out tons of tutorials online if you got no idea on how to start.
#26. Restoring old cars – this hobby fulfills your sense of accomplishment; moreover, it has a money making potential too. If you got no clue on how to go about this then checkout the tons of tutorial available for free online.
#27. Ham radio – you get to talk to other old, retired and bored people.
#28. Polish gems stones – don’t worry if you are a newbie for with time you will be very good at this. And you can create beautiful necklace.
#29. Mentoring – being a senior probably mean you’ve seen and pass through a lot so why not share your experience with others for it is going to help them. And it also a great way to socialize and not only kill time.
#30. Learn a new language – it sounds fun to be multilingual right? if speaking and writing new languages is what you have ever loved to do then there are lots of course for free on YouTube you can use to learn a new language.
#31. Whittling – great hobby if you can create toys of different shape and size from wood. Has an economic potential for you may consider selling your designs.
#32. Hunting
#33. Hiking
#34. Home brewing
Benefits of having a hobby when you retire
Most seniors as they get older find solace in isolation and staying indoors. This is bad for your well being and overall health.
I advice you take up one of the many hobbies I have listed above which are quite enjoyable and beneficial.
According to the national institute of aging, being an active senior and engaging in any social, mental, leisure and productive activity have some long term benefits such as;
I advice you take up one of the many hobbies I have listed above which are quite enjoyable and beneficial.
According to the national institute of aging, being an active senior and engaging in any social, mental, leisure and productive activity have some long term benefits such as;
- Improves your cognitive ability.
- Increases your life span.
- You feel happier and less depress.
- You have a better way to cope with your loss.
- You can think easily with less stress.
- You get to come across new things and learn them frequently.
Budgeting Ideas for retired Seniors
Being on retirement means you are on a fix income and if you are planning to fill your retirement with hobbies then you will have to cut on some of your expenditures.
Some of the hobbies I listed above require some minimum investment.
Some of the hobbies I listed above require some minimum investment.
- When planning your retirement budget, consider your age and health so you can avoid any plan base on a meager existence like backpacking, and freight hop train. Remember you are getting older and such a meager lifestyle is best sorted for people in their 30s.
- Planning your travel cost consider things like location, accommodation, standard and duration for some location and activities will be cheaper than others.
- You need to grasp your expenses, you need to also focus on unexpected cost like what if scenarios and not just your annual cost. In short you need to account for everything, any changes in your spending for it is very important.
- Now that you are retired, you care probably going to cook and eat more therefore you will see an increase in your food expenses. Consider organic grown food, they taste better and are much healthier.
- Have assets in non tax advantage plan because having control over your money is good.
- Consider using one car – at this stage of your life you are better with one car. If you have several cars I suggest you sell some, I assure you that you won’t miss them; moreover your expenses are fixed and need to be managed.
- If you have no mortgage or debts, I suggest you move in to a community where you can have access to all kinds of stuffs because seniors turn to stay indoors when retired. House swap with other vacationers is probably something you can do if you are flexible and beside they are often rent free.
- If they hobby you are accumulating assets for is now visible then you will find changes in your mental attitude.
Don’t just only get involved in a hobby because you are bored be passion about it first then consider your age, the mobility and financial requirements factor.
Have a blast with whatever hobby you choose. Hey! Don’t forget to tell me the hobby you found interesting on this list.
Have a blast with whatever hobby you choose. Hey! Don’t forget to tell me the hobby you found interesting on this list.