17 Enjoyable Activities for Wheel Chair Bound Seniors

17 Enjoyable Activities you can do with a Wheel Chair Bound Senior

Thinking of activities to do together with a wheel chair bound senior can be quite challenging. 

Don’t worry I got everything covered. 

These activities are not just a way to pass some time, they are fun, enjoyable, and should be done together and are good for the senior’s well-being.

Serve the senior with a whole range of activities you both can do together and let them choose the ones they will like to do. 

Here is my to-do-list of activities you can look forward to.

17 Enjoyable Activities you can do with a Wheel Chair Bound Senior 

#1. Spent time making tea or baking- most senior find the smell of bake bread pleasant. 

#2. Do a story telling exercise with the senior – old people are the greatest story history book I know of, they have had a lot of experience in their youthful life and you are equally going to learn a couple of things too.

#3. Go out for a meal – seniors appreciate good food no matter their condition being wheel chair bound may just be a limitation with regards to mobility but not an excuse for the senior not to enjoy the good things of life.

activities for a wheelchair bound senior
Image by Antonio Valente from Pixabay

#4. If the senior is pet friendly, contact pet therapy and arrange for some friendly dogs of different fur and skin to come play with the senior. 

This way the senior will enjoy different textile sensations, the love and affection from the dog.

#5. Ask starter questions – the kind of questions that can make old people talk for hours about their good old days. 

This kind of activity is better done in a calm environment like a park. 

Questions like how they met their spouse, what their kids are like and how they got their first jobs will elicit beautiful stories.
#6. Take the senior to a garden to feel and get the smell of some fresh flowers. Forest bathing will be good, it is a new trend and the chemicals trees emit have been proven to have health benefits.

#7. Search for massage therapy programs senior’s can attend or go for a spa so the senior can get a spa.

#8. Do a story keeping project – most very old people are probably veterans, they may like to record their story in some format. 

#9. Take the senior outside preferably the early and late hours of the morning when the sun is just rising so that they can feel the sun, the heat, the smell and the wind. 

#10. Visit an amusement park and have a horse ride. There are a couple of farms set up for disabled people you can search online. You can early just go for a simple walk in a city park.

activities for wheelchair bound senior
Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay

#11. Attend a banquet if there is any in town at the moment. Great way to meet people and have lovely chats. 

#12. Go out for a merry go-round ride, they are quite enjoyable. 


#13. Go for a swim, a hot tub with water bubbles is a feel good experience. seniors surprisingly have mobility in water. 

#14. Hide and seek games will be good as well. 

#15. Go through their albums and show the pictures you see there so the senior can tell you all about it. 

Activities you can do with a Wheel Chair Bound Senior
Image by Sabine van Erp from Pixabay

#16. Help the senior with chores for example taking the trash out, cleaning the dishes etc. 

#17. Play Wii games – Wii games are a blast for seniors especially those will the original Nintendo consoles. 
Activities you can do with a Wheel Chair Bound Senior
Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

best Wii  games to play are xenoblade chronicles, Wii party,  super mario galaxy 1 and 2, mario kart Wii, Wii sports resort , monster hunter tri, mario strikers: charged, the conduit, mad world and many world. Most of this games cost on average of 20$ to 40$.

#18. Wheelchair Yoga


There are tons of activities for wheel chair bound seniors; these are just a few you can look up more.

Now pick one and go have a blast!
