Collage is an artistic form known for its unique visual expressions. Creating a “theme” collage involves gathering magazines, photos and postcards; selecting appropriate pictures; cutting them out; creating a design and pasting them on poster board. Because collage-making can be broken down into several tasks, it is a suitable activity for alert to moderately confused residents.
Creating a collage is a means of personal expression. It is used to explore ideas, offer opportunities for creativity and self-expression; enhances concentration; may help improve fine motor skills; making choices (where to place the items); it's an opportunity to be with friends.
Collages are easy and affordable to make. All you need is construction paper or poster board; glue stick; scissors; and pictures/cards/photographs/magazines/store flyers/catalogues. Fabrics, plastics, and metals are also common materials in modern collage art. Staff could collect leaves, twigs, flowers and herbs (dry them first), buttons, etc. for residents to create their collage.
23 examples of collages for elderly residents
- Create a “Family and Friends” collage. Cut poster board into a large heart shape. Paste family and friends photos on the board.
- Create a "Coloring Book collage." Recycling coloring book pictures (already colored) into art unleashes creativity while being kind to mother earth as well.
- Make collages with pictures of foods you might order in a restaurant. Include beverages, appetizers, soups, desserts, ethnic foods, etc.
- Use state vacation guides to make collages. Have each resident choose a favorite state for an individual collage.
- Make a collage of animals. Use National Geographic magazine or magazines about dogs, cats, birds, etc.
- Looking through magazines, instruct residents to find as many pictures as they can of things that begin with an ‘A’. Create an ‘A’ collage. (Use any letter of the alphabet.) This activity focuses on concentration.
- Create a Modern Art collage. Colored vellum cut into shapes is layered onto a surface to produce a sophisticated piece of modern art.
- Create an alphabet collage. On a white poster board, place cut-outs of letters of the alphabet. Use letters of various sizes and shapes in both capital and small letters. Create your own original design.
- Have residents create a collage using pictures of items found in a house. You can also make several collages, each one depicting a specific room.
- Create an autumn collage using pictures of pumpkins, fall flowers, apples, gourds, children in fall fashions, trees in their autumn splendor, etc.
- Create a summer collage. Use pictures of summer scenery, people dressed in summer fashions, picnic foods, parades, seashells, boats, etc.
- Have residents create a “Personal Dream” collage. After the collage is completed, invite them to share their personal dream to the group.
- Create collages with pictures from the various food groups, or use themes such as desserts, international foods, vegetables, etc.
- Use song titles or quotations for themes. Then add pictures related to the song title or quotation.
- Have residents find appropriate pictures to create a religious/spiritual collage.
- Write each of the following themes on separate poster boards: “Kindness”, “Love”, “Friendship” and “Trust”. Assign residents to find pictures associated with each theme.
- Create a patriotic collage in red, white and blue, using pictures and symbols that represent our country (flags, American eagle, president’s pictures, pictures of prominent patriots and other figures).
- Make a “Home Sweet Home” collage. Look for pictures of wicker furniture, an old piano, an outdated telephone, Norman Rockwell prints, any nostalgic picture (or photograph), older magazine covers or advertisements that will stimulate a pleasant memory.
- Create a “Back to School” collage. Include pictures of fall fashions, apples, books, pens, and pencils, etc.
- Create a sports and recreation collage, using pictures associated with various sports, leisure activities, and sports heroes.
- Create collages depicting the following themes: a. “In the spring a young man’s fancy...” b. “Spring Cleaning” c. “Spring Fever” d. “Planting a Garden” e. “April Showers Bring May Flowers.” f. robin redbreast
- Create a Christmas collage using newspaper and magazine photographs, old greeting cards, calendars, postcards, gift wrap, colored construction paper, and other materials. Encourage residents to choose individual themes or use such themes as “Let It Snow,” “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas,” “Winter Wonderland,” “Twas the Night Before Christmas”; or use titles of favorite Christmas carols. Write both theme and residents’ names on each finished product.
- Create Letter Collage. Have residents cut out the first letter of their name from magazines and make a collage!
Creating a religious collage "MOMENTS FROM THE BIBLE" activity
Use the song titles or quotations (listed in this activity) for themes. Have residents find appropriate pictures to create a religious collage.Write each of the following themes on separate poster boards: “Kindness,” “Love,” “Friendship,” "Compassion," "Faith" and “Trust”. Assign residents to find pictures associated with each theme. Create collages to display at the activity.
- Noah’s Ark Cookies
- 3/4 cup softened butter
- 1 tsp. salt
- 2 1/2 cups sifted flour
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla
- 2 eggs
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Combine all the ingredients and blend well. Roll on a floured cloth covered board 1/8-inch thick. Cut with animal shaped cookie cutters. Place on ungreased baking sheet and bake 6 to 8 minutes. Cool, and then top with sprinkles or other decorations. Make 4 dozen cookies.
How many song titles can you think of that remind you of the Bible?
- Amazing Grace
- The Church in the Wildwood
- He’s got the Whole World in His Hands
- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
- Rock of Ages
- Bringing in the Sheaves
- Onward Christian Soldiers
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- Blessed Assurance
- In the Garden
- How Great Thou Art
- Tell It to Jesus
- The Old Rugged Cross
- Sing a few of these songs during the activity.
- On a whiteboard or poster board, write (in column form) the letters of the alphabet. Have residents list as many Biblical words or names for each letter of the alphabet.
- Write the following Books of the Bible on a whiteboard
- Genesis
- Proverbs
- Zechariah
- Revelation
- Judges
- Exodus
- Song of Solomon
- Daniel
- Acts
- Corinthians
- Read the following clues. Have residents match the clue to the book.
- The value of wisdom Proverbs
- The betrayal of Samson Judges
- Locusts and darkness Exodus
- The birth of Seth Genesis
- The seven last plagues Revelation
- A good name better than riches Proverbs
- The descent of the Holy Ghost Acts
- The Rose of Sharon Song of Solomon
- The Den of Lions Daniel
- The vision of the four chariots Zechariah
Did you know? The English word Genesis is derived from the words Genesis kosmou, which is Greek for “origin of the cosmos.”
QUESTIONS for residents
Why is the Bible important to you?What is your favorite Bible passage?
What can you relate about each of these Old Testament Bible stories? The expulsion from Eden; The Covenant of the Rainbow; Lot’s Wife is a Pillar of Salt; Moses Speaks to the Children of Israel; The Walls of Jericho Fall; The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon.
TRIVIA For residents
How many books are included in the Old Testament? 39Name the first five books of the Old Testament. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Name the first five books of the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts
Are the following books from the Old or New Testament?
- Song of Solomon OT
- Revelation NT
- Daniel OT
- Psalms OT
- Titus NT
- Esther OT
- Jude NT
- Proverbs OT
- Hosea OT
- Galatians NT
Name the Books of the Bible that begin with the letter J?
James, Jeremiah, Job, Joel, John I, John II, John II, Jonah, Joshua and Jude.
Where was Moses born?
Goshen, a part of ancient Egypt
Which Book in the Old Testament immediately follows the two books of Samuel?
Who had an encounter with the Philistine Giant Goliath?
How many movies can you think of that relate to the Bible?
The Ten Commandments, Exodus, Samson and Delilah, David and Bathsheba
- “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8
- “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born and a time to die: a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.” Ecclesiastes 1
- “Love is patient, love is kind.” 1 Corinthians 13:4
- “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.” Philippians 4:13
- “They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waves.” Psalm 107:23
- “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians. 6:7
- “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7
- “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9
- “I will not leave you comfortless.” John 14:18
- “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come to him.” Revelation 3:20
The largest number specifically named in the Bible is a thousand thousands (i.e., one million). It is found in 2 Chronicles 14:9.Written by Jo Anne Harrison-Becker An activity director and an therapeutic activity specialist. Join her Facebook groups using the following lings below.