5 easy strength training exercise for seniors that works lower and upper body strength videos

strength training exercise for seniors

Muscles are involved in our everyday activities like laundry, walking and even carrying your grand kids.

So there is a need for seniors to increase their muscle strength. 

Seniors turn to lose their muscles strength gradually as they get older, there is an ever growing need for an easy and simple strength training exercises to keep those muscles strong.

After some much digging, I personally recommends these 5 easy to do videos exercise on strength training for seniors who which to improve their lower and upper body strength.

Most of the exercises you will be seeing on these videos are not just limited to parks and gyms but can be done anywhere.

#1. Lower body strength exercises for older adults from Go4life

Lower body strength training exercise helps with balance, strength and endurance. Such exercises target the lower body muscles such as thigh, abdomens and abs.

In this video you see the trainer Sandy from Go4life demonstrates simple and well planned exercises targeting those specific muscles I mentioned earlier and of course the participant is a senior.

The first exercise is the Back Legs Raise that specifically works the glutes, quads, hamstrings and the lower back. It is also a balance and flexibility exercise.

What is required for this exercise is on a vertical support preferably a flat surface like a table of height waist level or any other steady object like a tree, counter top.

Sandy in her calm, gentle and encouraging voice dishes out very simple and easy to follow instructions to senior a female on how to go about this back leg raise exercise.

The second lower body exercise on this video is the Side Leg Raise, here, sandy emphasizes that this exercise specifically works the hips, the gluts and the thigh. She demonstrates this exercise with the same senior Irene.

The posture for this exercise is quite similar to that of the back leg raise.

Note: For both exercise remember to always draw your abs in for it helps with stability and balance.

With the side leg raise, Sandy instructs that you to raise your leg side ward while keeping your toes in.

The next lower body strength exercise on this video series is the Chair Stand; the trainer Sandy demonstrates this exercise with a male participant. This exercise works the abs and the thigh muscles.

This exercise involve a sitting on a chair, drawing your abs in real tight, raising your arms parallel to the flow, you breath as you stand up and in as you sit, lining backward and closing your arms. 

Caution: if you happen to feel any pain while doing the chair stand exercise, the Sandy advises that you see a doctor immediately.

You can do the chair stand exercise 3 times a week.

The last lower body exercise on this video is the Toe Stand.

Sandy in her usual calm and comforting tone says this exercise can be done anywhere giving that you have a sturdy chair around.

Toe stand exercise works the toes and the ankle which helps a lot with walking.

You are required here to use the steady chair as your support without lining on the chair while standing on your toes every 10 seconds for at least 10 – 15 times.

#2. Upper body strength exercises for older adults from go4life

The first upper body strength exercise Sandy demonstrates here with a male participant is Hand Grip – purpose is to work your grip which is important if you still like maybe continue with your gardening activities.

Sandy demonstrates this exercise using balls of different strength from a tennis ball to balls of softer strength.

What you are required to do in this hand grip exercise is squeeze different balls of different strength hard for duration of 10 seconds for each ball while feeling your fingers as the work.

I will advise you start with the ball with least strength and work your way to the toughest one as you get stronger.

Sandy says this exercise can be done anywhere and anytime like walking around or watching T.V.

The second exercise of upper body strength is the Overhead Arm Raise which strengthen shoulders and arms which are important if you intend to carry out activities such as swimming, gardening and golf.

You can equally do this exercise while standing up or sitting on a chair.

With this exercise you are required to grab two evenly weighted objects in this case the Sandy uses 2 water bottles, you draw your abs in tight while standing or sitting, you place your feet and shoulders apart, and you turn your arms out and raise them up and down just like you do with weight lifting.

Sandy emphasizes on the fact that when raising the weight up, it is important to breath normal and breath-in as you bringing your hands down for a one sec interval.

I earlier wrote an article on the best way to breathe during exercise you can equally check that up.

In case the weigh is too easy for you, you can use any object around the house for additional weight. Just make sure the weight is evenly distributed for both arms.

The third exercise is Arm Curl, this exercise also quite similar to the previous as you are equally lifting weight and posing quite a similar posture.

Sandy in her usually soft tone says if the weigh gets difficult you can just drop it and do the exercise with just
your arms.

The forth upper body exercise on this video is Arm Curl with resistance bands of different strength form easy to hard to stretch.

You are required to challenge yourself by first stretching the easy to stretch hand bands and as you get stronger you then go for the tougher bands.

You will see how sandy by example shows carefully how to place the bands in your hands in other to avoid accidents and how the bands are to be use.

The fifth upper body strength work exercise in this video is the Wall-Push Up. The purpose of doing this exercise is to strengthen your arm, shoulders and chest.

This exercise is done standing in an upright position, placing your fits and shoulders apart as you breathe, abs in and breathe out as you press against a steady wall several times.

Take note for most of the exercises for upper body strength, requires that you place your abs in.

The last exercise on this series is the Chair Dip. You are required to have a strong and steady chair.

The trainer emphasizes that you don’t lock your elbows. This exercise seems to be more difficult compare to the others, but the Go life trainer Sandy says it is her favorite as it works the muscles and body a lot more.

#3. Exercise is Power_ Resistance Training for Older Adults

This video is all about explaining the important of a seniors being involve in an exercise and they important that has on the senior’s cognitive ability and general well-being.

I like the fact at a later stage in this video you can as well put on your sport suit for the trainer outline several resistance training exercises and the various areas of the body this simple and easy exercises affect areas like the core,  lower body,  upper back, shoulders and arms.

The exercises demonstrated in this video are; 
  • Squats – works the core and leg muscles.
  • Leg press - works core and leg muscles.
  • Reverse lunge – works the glutes, hamstrings, calves and quads. 
  • Standing row – works the upper back, Latissimus dorsi, and shoulder muscles.
  • Lateral Pull Down – works the arms, upper back, and shoulders, which are essential for every senior to carry out their daily routines.

#4. Maximum fitness – senior strength training

Jeremy Daum, a certified personal training demonstrates the different types of exercises a senior should partake in, and the various parts of the body each exercise improves.

This video is divided in segments and you may not like the fact that there are a series of short commercial breaks in this video, but that shouldn’t bother you, as the content here is worth your time.

Danny personally shows the step by step process involve in each task.  The simple and easy exercises involve in this video are:

  • The kick back – works the core and the leg muscles.
  • The band chess press with the kneel raise.
  • Archers – works the arms and shoulders.
  • Chair squad – works the arms and legs.
  • Shoulder shroud – works the shoulders. 
  • Chair crush – works the arms, shoulders, kneels and abs muscles.
  • Half jacks – works the legs and hands. Etc.

The options are not limited.

#5. Strength, Balance and flexibility Exercise for older Adult from Go4life

This first exercise on this series is the Back Stretch.

Sandy again uses her magic of words and calm style to demonstrate with a senior call Jim how this exercise works.

She start by cautioning Jim as well as you who will be watching this video that if you have had back surgery, then it is advisable to seek your doctors opinions before you engage in this exercise.

Here you can see Jim sitting on a steady chair, quite relax the same way you will be,  with his heads up and abs in while he follows sandy simple and easy instructions.

Getting down on the floor and back up safely, stretching the back of your legs and getting back of the floor exercise.

Sandy stresses on the importance of this exercises for as she puts it, you will need them in your everyday life.

You may think getting up the down and up the floor is a simple task but ask most seniors they will tell you the pains and difficulties they usually face.

Just follow her are easy and simple instructions and be amazed at how simple the technique she used is.
Remember you are required to have a steady chair for support.


As a senior, I will advise you always get engage in an exercise with the guide of a trainer if possible.

But going solo isn’t bad as well.  Health professionals say 20 – 30 minute of moderate exercising a day is essential for well being.

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56 Must Do Free Activities for Seniors with Dementia

We all at some stage need to engage in one or more free activities as we go about our daily routines, but seniors with dementia turn to withdraw themselves from such routines.

Therefore it is our responsibility to help them by choosing the right and fun fill activities they will enjoy.

You are at the right place for I have carefully categories 12 free activities to get your love ones engage once again.

All you need to do is relax and choose the one you know you and the patient will enjoy. 

But first you need to know a couple of things first before engaging your love one in any form of activity.

How to choose activities for seniors with dementia

Focus on remain skills

Most of the time you may want to focus on what the person cannot do but remember your goal is to enhance the person’s mood so focus on what the person can do for there is a big chance the person actually loves that.

Focus on the personality of the person

Make sure you know what the patient likes or dislike, you can get more info about this from close family members. 

Or you can check records if available to understand their pass life and experiences.

Try to be consistent

Being consistent is a great way to create a direction in the person’s life.

Expect good and bad days

At some point you may discover that some activities that use to work previously no longer work again. 

So you should expect that and not fill discourage when those days come.

In some cases choose activity you will enjoy too

Since boosting self esteem and maintaining socialization is one of your goals, it will be good to do the activity together for that creates connection and provides a sense of enjoyment.

Choosing activities at the early stage

Focus on retaining remaining skills

You want to focus on maximizing what the patient can do and minimize what they can’t. 

Maximizing their potential helps boost self esteem.

Encourage continuity with current life style

You need to keep encouraging them to continue doing what they have been doing before. 

For example if they have been taking care of the garden you want them to continue at that.

Adapt where necessary

Avoid being to kind to the patient by doing everything for them because your goal is to provide a sense of purpose.

Choosing activities at the middle stage

Require simpler, shorter activities and instructions

Simpler activities help prevent boredom, maintain communication and such activities are good physical health.

More focus on past life activities

Anchor on what the patient use to do before for you want to provide a sense of accomplishments as that will helps boost self esteem.

Activities at the late stage

Shorter, less frequent and less demanding or simple activities

Simple task are just to provide reassurance so that they person doesn’t feel drown. 

Since the patient can’t do much, they need these short and less demanding activities help relief stress and frustration. 

The steps for this kind of task or activity are simplified

Focus on enhancing quality of life

Your goal here is to promote dignity and comfort.

What types of activities could you do with someone with dementia?

Let me start by making a clarification...

Note that there are different types of dementia's and different people have different experience with dementia. 

Therefore, there is nothing like a “dementia activity” but there are activities you can do with seniors with dementia which I am about to clearly summarize for you.  

56 Must Do Free Activities for Seniors with Dementia

I have categorize these activities you can do with a dementia patient into 12 types. 

  1. Anxiety reducing activities
  2. Calming Activities
  3. Activities of daily living
  4. Old roles activities
  5. Creative activities
  6. Half-done activities
  7. Sensory activities
  8. Physical activities
  9. Mental activities
  10. Social activities
  11. Spiritual activities
  12. 5 senses activities

#1. Anxiety reducing activities

Dementia patients are always anxious due to the constant memory losses. 

So you will need activities that can reduce the anxiety and prevent the restlessness. 

Such an activity need to use up some more energy. Examples of anxiety reducing activities are;

  1. Brisk walk – to burn off energy in a positive way
  2. Sorting objects
  3. light a candle using essential oil like lavender 
  4. chew bubble gums
  5. blow bubbles

#2. Calming Activities

Free Activities for seniors with Dementia
Image by Heike Frohnhoff from Pixabay

Most Dementia patients often feel overwhelm by their environment. 

Calming activities will be of great help here and some examples are;

  1. Massages – a little feet massage though not all the time will help calm them.
  2. Pet therapy – just sitting down and carrying a dog, cat or any other pet is enough therapy for the patient.
  3. Quiet music – music is a charmer and quiet music definitely will reduce the nerves.
  4. Sleep
  5. Take a cold shower

Check how important music is to our health.

#3. Activities of daily living

Free Activities for seniors with Dementia
Image by Annalise Batista from Pixabay

Activities of daily living are just like the routines we do every day as we wake up from sleep. 

These kinds of activities help maintain the patient’s current skills and encourage a feeling of independence. 

Some activities of daily living can be;

  1. Grooming – like the person can do their own personal hygiene and if they need your assistance that’s still fine. 
  2. Household chores
  3. Toileting
  4. Dressing
  5. Transferring that is Getting in and out of bad 

#4. Old roles activities

Free Activities for seniors with Dementia
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

These kind of activities help maintain self esteem because you engage the patient with familiar hobbies. 

It is a continuation of some of the patients old roles in their past life. This kind of activity can be;

  1. Continuing with a hobby – like if they you love cooking you can continuing doing that.
  2. Walking to a former place of employment
  3. Shopping
  4. Reading news papers
  5. Visiting friends and family

#5. Creative activities

Free Activities for seniors with Dementia
Image by annayozman from Pixabay

This kind of activity opens a window for self expression and communication; this kind of activities provides a connection with other people and it is springs out pleasant memories and emotions. 

Creative activities is all about doing it. For example

  1. Listening to music
  2. Painting
  3. Visiting a gallery
  4. Snapping Catchy pictures
  5. Learning to play an instrument

#6. Half-done activities

This kind of activity helps promote independence and really doesn’t require instructions. 

The essence with this kind of activity is to motivate the patient to complete a started task. For example;

  1. Some towels folded on top of the laundry basket – something that has started and needs to be finished.

#7. Sensory activities

Free Activities for seniors with Dementia

Image by Marina Pershina from Pixabay

This kind of activities is essential at the later stage of the disease; such activities will involve utilizing one of the patients five senses so they can stay connected with people and their environment. 

To some extent, it may elicit pleasant feelings and memories. For example

  1. Aromatherapy – a smell may make you think of something.
  2. Massage
  3. Sensory bag
  4. Sorting coins
  5. Pupping bubbles

#8. Physical activities

Free Activities for seniors with Dementia
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

The purpose of this kind of activity is to keep the patient active, physically and psychologically healthy and of course such activities will require some extra energy. For example

  1. Walking
  2. Games ( e.g. tossing ball)
  3. Adapted sport ( e.g. tennis with a large ball)
  4. Exercise (e.g. stretching, chair exercises)
  5. Gardening / yard work
  6. Doing chores (e.g. washing dishes)

#9. Mental activities

Free Activities for seniors with Dementia
Image by Sabine van Erp from Pixabay

This is an activity that depends on the state of the individual with the primary aim of stimulating and not frustrating. For example

  1. Reading – it will be good for the person to read out loud if they can.
  2. Word game (e.g. finish famous saying)
  3. Watching game shows
  4. Memory games (e.g. kim’s game)

#10. Social activities

Free Activities for seniors with Dementia

Image by Jeniffer, Wai Ting Tan from Pixabay

The purpose of this kind of activity is to keep you engage with people, your surroundings and most importantly to reduce isolation which may lead to depression and much worst. For example;

  1. Group activities ( e.g. church, tap dancing, tea party)
  2. Visiting (e.g. families, children)
  3. Celebrations (e.g. birthdays)
  4. Social games (e.g. bingo)
  5. Memory maps

#11. Spiritual activities

Free Activities for seniors with Dementia
Image by zachosine from Pixabay

The purpose of this kind of activity is to provide support for the person with dementia. 

The spiritual activity is not necessarily tie to a religion. For example;

  1. Singing hymns
  2. Walking in nature ( e.g. Forest bathing)
  3. Spiritual ceremonies
  4. Prayer and meditation
  5. Chanting

#12. 5 senses activities

5 senses activities
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

The purpose of this kind of activities is to engage one or two of the patient’s 5 senses. For example

  1. Watching movies
  2. Gardening
  3. Baking/cooking
  4. Aromatherapy
  5. Blind fold games

10 simple ways to engage dementia residents in activities

Ask the person to help you

For most dementia patients, we are used to doing everything for them but doing everything for them isn't the right approach. 

To make the patient feel productive ask them to help you. 

That way, there is some team work and a sense of accomplishment.

Break down the instructions into simple steps

Don’t give foxy instructions like for example “why don’t you handle this why I go do this”. No! Don’t do that because the patient at some stage is going to have a hard time doing the activity. 

Just make the steps really simple like for example “help me let’s fold these towels.”

Demonstrate as you instruct

So here you need to personally show an example on how things are done so the patients can see and follow like for example you bake a cake and instruct the patient to follow the same step you use.

Offer help only when needed

Let say the task you gave the patient wasn’t executed properly, you may assist the patient accomplish that task but only when the assistance is needed. 

Be patient, slow down and repeat

This point speaks for itself, you don’t need to rush things some patients are generally slow to catch-up, if a task need to be repeated over and over just do it. 

Remember your focus is on the patient not yourself. 

Be supportive

When you are being supportive, take care not to also be condescending, little statements like ‘thanks for your help’ will do just fine in supporting the patient for their effort.

Adapt activities to charging skills

At some stage your patient may not be physical apt to do some activities to completion as before. 

So let’s say at first your patient could prepare an entire meal, but can’t anymore, you can just give them a partial task like let say setting up the table for the launch. 

That way you are trying to fit in something related to their pass interest. 

Do the activities with the person

What you are doing here is trying to create a connection with the patient and that’s very important.

Let the person complete a started activity

Here you can start the activity with the person and then ask them kindly if they wouldn’t mind completing the task. 

That way the patient begins to feel your trust in them. 

Let the person do only person of a projects

In a case where the person doesn’t find the project interesting or maybe it is difficult for them, let them just do parts of the project.


Activities for seniors with dementia should definitely be things they normally do enjoy in their daily life, those things that reflect their personality and interest. 

I carefully summarized this different types of activities to clearly highlight the fact that they offer different benefits.   

So tell me which activity you think your patient will enjoyed?

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[Best] 30 Fun Activities for Seniors

Image source: Pixabay

When looking for activities for seniors, you don’t need to spin the wheels; all you need is just to do background check.

Try to find out those things the person loved doing when they were younger, those things the person dream of doing, and those activities the person just couldn’t go a day without doing them.

Just looking back at the person's past for the things they once enjoyed doing may just give you a clue of what that person should do today, for that’s enough inspiration and of course some of these activities may no longer entice the person.

At what age are you considered elderly?

I checked this up on many sites and journals and the average age is from 60 years upward.

Why are activities important as we get older?

As we get older, our quality of life is being affected. To some extend your chances of developing dementia or depression rises.

So as we do these activities we kind of also exercise. Studies have shown that exercise help in delaying the progression of dementia and depression.

Moreover, regular physical activity is important for a senior’s health because it can help prevent health related issues that come with age like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression etc.

Why are plan activities good for seniors?

Plan activities help seniors meet and socialize with others like them in the community and they help them make friends because Loneliness in not good for a senior since it can lead to depression.

30 Fun Activities for Seniors 

To save you much time reflecting, here are some fun indoor and outdoor activities you can just choose from, they are more activities for seniors, the options are not limited.

1. Hiking 

Image by RitaE from Pixabay

The physical activity of hiking is enjoyable and therapeutic; it also burns more calories when compared to walking. 

It provides opportunity to explore and can creates a sense of accomplishment for the senior.

2. Gardening 

Image by joyful99 from Pixabay

This is an age appropriate physical activity that will help better your quality of life because growing healthy food or beautiful flowers from your own efforts creates a sense of accomplishment

3. Bird watching 

Image by RitaE from Pixabay

This is a great way for the senior to engage with their environment. 

The best time to bird watch is during the early mornings and late afternoon.

4. Yoga 

This activity will improve the senior’s flexibility and also psychological health. Yoga also lowers blood pressure which is a disease common with the elderly.

5. Scrap booking 

The primary purpose of scrap booking is to preserve important memories through books or artwork.

6. Auctioning 

A great social activity that evolves communication and spending time with other people, it is a great way to create connections.

7. Writing a Journal

This activity can stretch the senior’s IQ, can reduce stress as the person can do away with their negative thoughts, and enhance decision making skills, logical thinking and involvement in current event.

8. Tap dancing 

This is a full body workout exercise that can help with weight loss alongside that it teaches the person some good choreographic skills and improvisation.

9. Jewelry making

This activity gives the senior a chance to explore other part of their self; it also serves as a hobby that’s also very enjoyable. It can enhance creativity.

10. Book club 

Book club

This activity helps increase feeling of being connected with others and it is social. 

It reliefs stress and boost team work since the senior engages with other people.

11. Tea party 

Tea party
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Tea parties are relaxing and comforting. Everyone needs to be comfortable including seniors.  

In a tea party, the senior gets to have pleasant conversations with other amazing people.

12. Concert/dancing

Image by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay

Attending a concept and dancing is definitely something everyone should do and seniors are not exempted. 

Concepts can increase your positive feeling, reduce your stress and is great source of energy.

When you listen to music you get a weird feeling right? And that feeling feels good. Just imaging a senior having that good feeling, it is good for their well – being.

13. Baking 

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

This activity involve at least 2 senses because the senior gets more attune to it. 

Most people are passionate about baking, it can triggers positive feelings which is good for the senior’s well-being.

14. Start a band 

Start a band
Image by panca okta from Pixabay

Starting a band is a good way to bond with other people outside family atmosphere. 

It is a good way to learn and memorize and it builds self confidence which is a great goal the senior can achieve.

15. Soccer 

This is a great activity to build strength, flexibility and self - confidence. Soccer is also important in fitness and increases cardiovascular health.

If the senior doesn’t have the energy to play, going to watch soccer matches will be fun as well.

16. Walking 

Senior Walking
Image by dietcheese from Pixabay

Walking is a budget friendly exercise for seniors who don’t have the funds to join paid fitness programs.

Walking is a physical activity you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. 

Walking also increases cardiovascular health.

17. Watching animal planet/ quiet music

This activity calms the feeling of being overwhelmed by the environment.

18. Golfing 

This is a great social activity and exercise since it also involves walking that can help reduce stress and anxiety. 

Personally, I think every senior should go golfing for it is such a gentle and calm sport.

19. Bingo 

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Playing bingo is a great way for a senior to socialize, it promotes concentration and it is good for mental health.

20. Tai chi

Tai chi is a great exercise that reduces stress and it is a great way to loss some weigh. 

It is also a great cognitive activity and cognitive activities are great for seniors well – being.

21. Photography 

Grandma and Grandpa
Image by Linus Schütz from Pixabay

This is a great activity to boost self- esteem in a senior, it is also a great way to trigger the seniors imaginations.

22. Strength training

Did you know that 2/3 of senior women and 1/3 of senior men can not lift 10 pounds of weight?

Strength training is good for a seniors muscle strength, their daily living, their confident, and their bone density, diabetes if the senior have and other health risk like hypertension and it give the senior the ability to play with their grand children.

23. Surfing the internet 

This is a great way to connect with millions of other people all over the world. 

Surfing the internet can also be a way for seniors to socialize.

24. Watching movies

This 5 sense activity can bring back pleasant memories and emotions, a great way to face your fears and also relax.

25. Sewing 

Sewing is fun and easy to do, it can also relief stress and reignite your creativity. 

There are many occasions where sewing can proof useful for seniors like sewing back rest pillows and other home decorations.

26. Playing board games

Playing board games
Image by rawpixel from Pixabay

This activity is a great way to have family time, reduce stress and a great mental activity too.

26. Playing board games

This activity is good for the joints because as seniors get older the find difficulties standing. 

It is also increase cardiovascular health and will help the senior loss some weight.

27. Lawn bowls

This activity is good for fitness and we all need to be fit, seniors aren’t exempted. 

It is also a great way to socialize and build self – esteem.

28. Tennis 

Playing tennis is definitely an entire body workout; it can burn calories and help in weight loss, lower blood pressure and heart rate. 

The overall purpose for tennis here is to keep the senior in shape.

29. Fishing  

Image by David Cardinez from Pixabay

This activity is a great way to make out time with the family, increase cardiovascular health, and boost immune system.  

Provides opportunity to explore and boost self esteem and confident.

30. loving your grand kids 

Listening to young children read, telling them stories and playing with them are inter-generational activities that will keep the senior from just sitting all day and it is also a way to spend meaningful time together.

Related: 12 Must Do FreeActivities for Seniors with Dementia

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